Tuesday, April 9, 2019


Hi! I am Ashe, a Senior High School student. In this blog site, I published all my essays, lessons and outputs in hopes of helping other SHS students generate some ideas. I am no genius so I can't guarantee all my works are grammatically perfect.

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Entrepreneurship - Lesson

Development of a Business Plan

Every business owner needs a way to organize and present information about how he or she intends to develop, grow, and manage his or her business. A business plan is the perfect tool. When well-crafted, a plan will catch the attention of potential investors and customers while encouraging them to support the business. When seen this way, a business plan becomes the foundation for any successful business.
Why Write a Business Plan?
  1. The process of putting a business plan together forces the person preparing the plan to look at the business in an objective and critical manner.
  2. It helps to focus ideas and serves as a feasibility study of the business's chances for success and growth.
  3. The finished report serves as an operational tool to define the company's present status and future possibilities.
  4. It can help you manage the business and prepare you for success.
  5. It is a strong communication tool for your business. It defines your purpose, your competition, your management and personnel. The process of constructing a business plan can be a strong reality check. 
  6. The finished business plan provides the basis for your financing proposal.
Business Idea
      The Business Idea section sells the business’s vision and briefly outlines how that vision will be accomplished.
      A basic idea can be expanded into a plan by including three key elements:
Business Summary – A simple description of the business, the need for its product or service, its intended audience, and its competitive advantage.
Keys to Success – A series of short statements that describe the value the business promises to deliver to its potential customers.
Management and Staff Summary – Short statements that draw attention to the personal strengths of the people who will be part of running the business.

Market Analysis
      Before taking on the risks of a business, it is important for business owners to know general market conditions, where the new business will fit inside a particular industry, who their customers will be, and who will be the competition.

Marketing Strategy
      Analyze your competitors' marketing strategies to learn how they reach the market. If their strategy is working, consider adopting a similar plan. If there is room for improvement -- work on creating an innovative plan that will position your product or service in the minds of your potential customers.
      A good strategy should include these four P’s:
What specific Product or service does the business offer?
What Pricing structure will be used?
Where your business will be located (Place)?
What will be done to Promote the business?
       The most effective marketing strategies typically integrate multiple mediums or promotional strategies to reach the market. The following are some promotional options to consider.
      TV, Radio, Print, Direct mail, Public relations, One-on-one sales

Financial Analysis
If a business is selling a lot of product but still losing money in the long run, the business will fail. Based on the previous information collected, the business owner can provide a fairly accurate estimate of the business’s costs and what will affect them.
      Start-Up Costs – All businesses need some starting capital (money invested in the business) to deal with initial costs. These are the items that are one-time purchases.
      Monthly Expenses – These are the ongoing costs like inventory, utilities, and insurance. Also included in this section is a breakeven point analysis (what the business needs to make to cover costs and show a profit).
      Financing Options – These are the possible sources for the capital to start a business.
      Sales Forecasts – This is an estimate on how much product the business will need to sell to cover expenses, and what can reasonably be sold based on the market research conducted earlier.

Entrepreneurship - Business Plan

Liptints by Ashe    BUSINESS PLAN
Stain your lips, color your life!

What is the business' mission statement?
                 The goal for this business is to provide lip products suitable for teens that can help them in their self-confidence and enhance their beauty.

Business Formation
What type of entity is the business? Sole Proprietorship

Business Address
National Highway, Poblacion, Dalaguete, Cebu

Business History
                 The business starts with the owner being obsessed with lip products especially lip tints so she decided to open up a business. It became evident to her that a lip tint can give confidence to teens because it can help them enhance their beauty that's why her lip tints are very high demand.  

Business Goals
What is the business' goals and objectives?
                 The goal for the business is to grow and develop a wider variety of lip products that is profitable to the business. The main objective is to appeal to the youth and influence them to enhance their beauty by the lip products sold.

Management Team
Manager's Name: Nissi G. Burda
What is this person's position in the business? CEO
What are this person's primary responsibilities?
                 A chief executive officer (CEO) is the highest-ranking executive in a company, and their primary responsibilities include making major corporate decisions, managing the overall operations and resources of a company, and acting as the main point of communication between the board of directors and corporate operations.
What are this person's relevant qualifications?
She has worked before with businesses and entrepreneurship. She also has a wide knowledge about make-up specifically lip products.
What type of compensation does this person receive?
All the profit of the business will directly be deposited in her bank account.
What percentage of ownership? 100%

Products and Services
What are the business' products and/or services?
                 The main product will start with a lip tint and other range of beauty products fit for teens such as mascara, blush, face powder and etc. It will not only provide a beautiful enhancement to the face but also provide a care for the consumer's health.  Lip tint is the perfect starting point for makeup newbies or for anyone who just wants a subtle, pretty pout. These pretty stains are suitable for everyday wear, with lightweight formulas that deliver long-lasting flushes of color.
How does the business source and sell the products and/or services?
                 Light and refreshing water type tint - Moistly infiltrate and refreshing finish. Deeply even with one drop, vivid color - Even with one touch, vivid color to create glowing face. Long-lasting. Aqua Keeping Matrix - High molecule light gel structure to prevent inner lips effective moisture evaporates and reduce dryness. Quick Spread Tinting Effect - Water color dispersion method to gently spread to apply on curvy lips, long-lasting without erasing easily from external friction.
What is the business' pricing structure?
The lip tints will sell in wholesale and retail. Prices may vary according to promos and deals.

Proprietary Rights
                 The lip tints sold are exclusively formulated by the owner itself. According to embodiment of the invention, pigments extracted from fruits, vegetables, seeds, flowers and legumes can be used as a colorant in cosmetic and dermatological products. According to other embodiment, a reformulation product from fruits, vegetables, seeds, flowers and legumes, such as, but not limited to, a powder, flakes or concentrate, can be used as a colorant in cosmetic and dermatological products. The colorant is suitable for transfer to the skin when the cosmetic and/or dermatological product is applied thereon. In this manner, the pigment or reformulant is a “staining” colorant used to highlight and accentuate natural colors of the face. Such natural pigments can replace artificial, man-made pigments commonly used in cosmetic and dermatological products.

Market Analysis
What is the business' industry?
                 The business will fall under the cosmetic industry, it is dominated by a small number of multinational corporations that originated in the early 20th century, but the distribution and sale of cosmetics is spread among a wide range of different businesses.
Who are the business' competitors?
                 The main competitors are the established drugs store and high-end make-up brands such as KJM Cosmetics, Maybelline and other Korean brands.
How are the business' products and/or services different from its competitors?
                 Liptints by Nissi is a film pack formula that can be perfectly removed without irritation, presenting a refreshed and lovely lip color out of dark and gloomy lips, available for a natural-looking lip line, unlike existing discoloring lipsticks. With lip-exfoliating ingredient and further lip-nourishing ingredient, this product protects lips while nourishing and hydrating. Presenting a variety of shades in color. Water type tint gives moisture absorption with light fresh finish, honey extract, hyaluronic acid and other ingredients prevents from drying. One touch gives vivid color with bright light on face, gives vivid long lasting color.
What is the business' market share or potential market share?
With the continuous trend about lip tints, the business will surely expand in no time.

Customers and Target Market

Who are the business' target customers?

Though young consumers are exposed to a number of media platforms, brands are encouraged to focus on marketing to this demographic through social media, as opposed to engaging in a full blown, multi-platform approach. Consumers of this age group are most likely to be influenced by their friends. Cosmetics brands are increasingly discovering how important it is to craft unique messaging for each age demographic in the consumer pool. Middle-of-the-road marketing has neglected to specifically address young and old consumers until quite recently, leaving lots of potential untapped.

Marketing Methods

Which method(s) will you use to market and advertise your products and services?

·         posters
·         fliers
·         coupons
·         TV ads
·         Internet ads
·         social media
·         viral marketing
·         direct marketing

Marketing Outline
What is the business' marketing strategy?
The consumer packaged goods industry is inundated with the next best thing, so when it comes to selling cosmetics in a saturated marketplace, businesses need to set their products apart with creative packaging, consistent branding and product positioning to make the most of their overall marketing strategy.

SWOT Analysis
What strengths does the business have?
In demand and very on trend among teens.

What weaknesses does the business have?

Too many competitors and saturated market.

What opportunities does the business have?

The business will become a hit among teens.

What threats does the business have?

New competitors will grab the opportunity to start their own similar business.

Financial Goals
How much funding is currently needed to complete the business' goals?
P100 000

How does the business intend to use the funding?
The funds will directly go to the manufacturing of the product and advertising.
What are the business' current financials?

Average monthly revenue:
Average monthly expenses:
Yearly gross revenue:
Yearly net profit:

What are the business' projected financials?

Average monthly revenue:
Average monthly expenses:
Yearly gross revenue:
Yearly net profit:

Return on investment:

When does the business expect to turn a profit? 1 year
What will be the possible Financing Options? Bank Loan

Earth and Life Science - Performance Task

Tree Planting

Earth and Life Science - Lesson

In Cartesian cosmology, a vortex is a large circling band containing these planets or comets and other material particles. Our solar system and the entire universe consist of a network of interlocking vortices, which are subject to gravitational and centrifugal powers.
René Descartes devised a Theory of Vortices which postulated that the space was entirely filled with matter in various states, whirling about the sun.
Descartes attempted to figure out the enigma of gravity and the necessity of a medium in space for any function to happen with the "Vortex" Theory of colliding particles which hypothesized that the collisions supply the force that pushed the planets towards the Sun.
Bodies once in motion, remain in motion in a straight line unless and until they are deflected from this line by the impact of another body. All changes of motion are the result of such impacts.
He assumed that the universe is filled with matter which, due to some initial motion, has settled down into a system of vortices which carry the sun, the stars, the planets and comets in their paths.
Planets move around the Sun because they are swept around by whirlpools of a subtle matter filling all space.
Matter and motion were used by Descartes to explain every natural process by means of mechanical models. They provided merely the "most likely models" which seemed quite plausible if you try to apply basic laws of nature.
The vortex theory likewise provided a built-in explanation for the common direction of all planetary orbits. Additionally, the vortex theory allowed Descartes to endorse a form of Copernicanism heliocentrism (sun-centered world) without running afoul of Church censorship.
Descartes believed that God created the universe as a perfect clockwork mechanism of vortical motion that functioned deterministically thereafter without intervention.
In the long run, however, Descartes’ vortex theory failed because neither Descartes nor his followers ever developed a systematic mathematical treatment of the vortex theory that could match the accuracy and predictive scope of the (continuously improving) Newtonian theory;
Newton's law of universal gravitation states that every mass attracts every other mass in the universe, and the gravitational force between two bodies is proportional to the product of their masses, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.
Despite the problems with the vortex theory it was championed in France for nearly one hundred years even after Newton showed it was impossible as a dynamical system.

Earth and Life Science - Lesson

Types of Rocks
Igneous Rocks
-Ignis – “fire”
-Formed by volcanic activity

Types of Igneous Rocks
Extrusive Igneous Rocks or Volcanic -Solidifies at the surface
Intrusive Igneous Rocks or plutonic -Formed at depth

Characterized by:
Texture -size, shape and arrangement of interlocking crystals
Rate of cooling strongly influences crystal size. Slow cooling leads to formation of large crystals while rapid cooling results in smaller crystals:
Coarse-grained       Can be seen w/ bare eyes
Medium-grained    Can only be seen with hand lens
Fine-grained           Can only be seen through the microscope
Mineral composition -based of the chemical makeup of the parent magma

Sedimentary Rocks
Sediments result from uplifting and weathering, which are then transported and deposited into different areas.
Lithification -the process which the sediments are trans-formed into solid sedimentary rock
Compaction- as piles of sediments accumulate, the materials below are compacted by the weight of the overlying layers, as grains are pressed, pore space is greatly minimized, reducing the volume
Cementation-cement particles settle into sediment grains, fills the open spaces and then binds the particles together

As layer upon layer of sediments are accumulated, they carry with them the records of the nature of the environment as the time the sediments are deposited. These layers are called Strata. Fossils are only found in sedimentary rocks

Types of Sedimentary Rocks
Detrimental Sedimentary Rocks -these rocks came from weathered rocks such as igneous rocks
Chemical Sedimentary Rocks -these rocks came from soluble materials produced largely by chemical weathering

Metamorphic Rocks
-came from preexisting rocks called parent rocks
The preexisting rocks may undergo changes in the mineralogy, texture (grain size) & chemical composition.
Metamorphism -process of the transformation of the parent rocks
Agents of Metamorphism
Heat -heat causes chemical reactions that result in recrystallization of existing minerals &/or formation of new mineral
Pressure or stress-pressure causes space between mineral grains in the buried rocks to close, producing a more compact rock w/ higher density
Chemical agents -they act as catalyst to promote crystallization by enhancing ion migrations that may change the composition of the rock

Disciplines and Ideas in Social Sciences - Lesson

Pantayong Pananaw
by Zeus Salazar

Disciplines and Ideas in Social Sciences - Lesson


Disciplines and Ideas in Social Sciences - Lesson

What Social Ideas did Isabelo delos Reyes Introduce?

UCSP - Lesson

How Society is Organized
Social Group- A number of people who interact on a regular basis, are bound together by roles and statuses and a distinctive set of relationships, and who feel a sense of unity and common identity. Membership in social groups is crucial to human social life because it provides people with sense of belonging
Social Groups
Primary Groups- Are those which are close-knit. They are typically small scale, include intimate relationships, and are usually long lasting. The members feel a strong personal identity with the group.
Secondary Groups- They are usually large, short-term, formal and specialized. Impersonal and temporary and involve limited aspects to a persons life. These groups are typically found at work and school.
Reference Groups- Both your in-group and primary group. A reference group is a group to which we compare ourselves.  Serve as a standard to which we measure our behaviors and attitudes. We use reference groups in order to guide our behavior and attitudes and help us to identify social norms.
In-group ‘we’- Any group to which a person thinks he/she belongs or identifies with. Have a sense of camaraderie & loyalty to each other.
dyad- consists of 2 people triad- consists of 3 people
Out-group ‘they’- Any group or collection of people to which a person thinks he/she doesn’t belong or identifies with.
-In-group favoritism or in-group bias refers to the tendency to favor an in-group, and out-group derogation refers to the tendency to feel threatened against the out group.
Not Social Groups
Social Category- A collection of people who share similar characteristics but are not engaged in a patterned social interaction and do not have a common identity of membership.
Social Aggregate- A collection of people who just happened to be in one place at the same time and who are hardly unaware of each other.
Other Social Groups
Formal Organization- Defined as a large and complex secondary group that is deliberately created and organized to achieve specific goods.
Bureaucracy- Clear cut division of labor, Formal written records, Hierarchy of authority and chain of command, Well stated rules and regulations, Impartiality; and, Assignment of roles and statuses based on technical qualifications
Social Institutions- Refers to a complex, patterned, integrated and relatively stable cluster of statuses, roles, groups, norms and values that work together to fulfill some specific needs that the society must satisfy. Family, Religion, Education, Economy, Politics and Health Care.

Trends and Networks - Lesson

The Process of Identifying a Trend

Generated Logos

This is not an official SSG Logo

Practical Research - Research Proposal

Classroom Experiences of Students with Second Career Teachers in Senior High School Department

Practical Research - Research

Factors behind the Socio-economic Growth of Jobless People


I. Introduction
Unemployment is one of the major problems prevailing in Third-world countries like the Philippines. These problem have a serious effect not only on the socio-economic status of a country, but it can lead to other problems such as poverty and crime. What are the factors behind the Socio-economic growth of jobless people?
II. Interview (Interviewee- Secondary Teacher)
1.     What do you think are the factors behind the Socio-economic growth of jobless people?
Lack of education, no job opportunities, need for higher daily minimum wage and laziness.
2.     How can lack of education affect the unemployment rate?
Because without proper education, people will have no idea about jobs. Some establishments also require high-school diplomas and degrees to hire workers.
3.     Why are there little to no job opportunities in the rural areas like here in Dalaguete?
There are not much establishments and factories in the area where people can apply for jobs hence unemployment.
4.     Why is there a need for higher daily minimum wage in order to decrease unemployment rate?
The prices for the daily needs and wants are constantly getting higher and the minimum wage is not sufficient enough. If there will be an increase, more people will be encouraged to work because of higher wages.
5.     What does laziness involve in unemployment?
Simply because if a person is lazy to work, he will not have a job so there will be unemployment.
6.     What are your opinions about unemployment?
It is a cancer in the society, it should be the first thing to be solved by the government or any president.

III. Internet Sources
        i.            Technological Advances- Innovation and technological advances may perform the work twice faster than human labor so it may reduce the number of employees needed to perform certain tasks hence the rise of job losses.
      ii.            Economic Downturn- If a large number of industries are affected by poor economic conditions, thousands of workers may be terminated within a short period of time, causing a spike in the unemployment rate.
    iii.            No Job Creation- If limited job growth lingers for an extended period, the number of unemployed workers gradually increases, resulting in a relatively slow but steady increase in the unemployment rate.
   iv.            Catastrophic Event- A catastrophic event that affects one or more industries can cause reduced revenues and subsequently lead to unemployment.

IV. Summary
In conclusion to my research, there are certain factors that affect the socioeconomic growth of jobless people. It can be minor factors such as lack of education, no job opportunities, need for higher daily minimum wage and laziness. I can also be because of other factors such as Technological Advances, Economic Downturn, No Job Creation and Catastrophic Event. Unemployment and poverty goes side by side so the government should take steps to reduce unemployment rate for the betterment of our socio-economics.

       11-HUMSS C           11/06/2018


Hi! I am Ashe, a Senior High School student. In this blog site, I published all my essays, lessons and outputs in hopes of helping other SH...